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St. Borbala Medal Award

24. December 2022. 01:15
On December 15, 2022, in the framework of the National Central Celebration of St. Borbala's Day, two excellent lecturers of the Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering received the St. Borbala Medal Award from Attila Steiner, the newly formed State Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, in recognition of their professional work.
Dr. habil Norbert Zajzon, associate professor at the Institute of Mineralogy and Geology, received an award, as well as
Richárd Tompa is a teaching assistant at the Institute of Mining and Geotechnics, head of quality control at Colas Északkő Kft.
The Hungarian Mining Association presented a commemorative medal to Prof. Dr. Gábor Mucsi, dean of the faculty, St. Borbála Patron Saint of Miners and Metallurgists.
We also congratulate the awardees from this place and wish them continued professional work!